Join a Group

Our Interest Groups (IGs) and Branches are a great way for members to connect with peers with mutual areas of interest or experience.

Members of IGs and Branches use Share Plate as a community space to ask questions, share experiences and upload resources.

DA committees also use Share Plate to share news and resources.

How to join a community on Share Plate

Go to your profile on the Member Portal and select the Share Plate Communities tab.  Select the Interest Group and Discussion Group communities you would like to join and click Save. This information will sync between the Member Portal and Share Plate overnight and you will be able to access your new communities the following day.  For more information, visit 'how to join or leave communities on Share Plate'.

Other Share Plate communities

If you're a member of any DA committees, they will appear on your list of 'All Communities' for you to join. 

Learn more about our Interest Groups.

Start the conversation

There are plenty of ways to chat on Share Plate. You can respond to others' posts by clicking 'Reply to Discussion' on the discussion post. You can start a new discussion thread by posting a message.  You can also upload files straight into the group's library. 

For more information, visit 'how to join in the conversation on Share Plate'