
Sayne Dalton

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Posted By Sayne Dalton 11-03-2022 13:08
Found In Announcements: MainHome
Do you work directly with the public or people in your role as a dietitian? Are you in private practice? Do you facilitate group education? Work in a community role or hospital setting? What about other roles that involve direct people or client contact? If the answer is YES, then this message ...
Posted By Sayne Dalton 21-10-2021 15:26
Found In Announcements: MainHome
Dietitians Australia and the Australian Federation of Disability Organisations are seeking multiple contributors to develop education content and resources for the Capacity Building for Dietitians in Disability project, including: People with disability and lived experience of disability Accredited ...
Posted By Sayne Dalton 17-03-2021 16:59
Found In Announcements: MainHome
Dietitians Australia was funded by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to develop an education program and resources to support dietitians to work with people with disability. Find out more about the project and the benefits to both dietitians and people with disability in a webinar hosted ...